Symbol / Operator
Matches a whole word or matches empty
- =Market find Market, Market Services and Ongoing Market Research but not Marketing or Supermarket
- = by itself finds all records that have a blank value in that field
- =Chris =Smith finds Chris Smith or Smith Chris but not Chris or Christopher Smithson
= =
Matches exactly your entered search criteria
- ==John finds John but not John Smith
- ==John Smith finds John Smith but not Smith, John or John Smithers
Matches records that have same data within the search field
- If you only have one person in the database from the state of California and you perform a find using "!" in the state field, the person from California will not show up since there are no duplicate records based on California.
- If you only have 5 people from the city of Santa Clara and 4 people from the city of San Jose, then all of them will be found because they all have duplicates.
Finds all the records that are less than your entered search criteria
- < Matt finds every person who comes before Matt alphabetically
- <40 finds any record whose value is less than 40
- <4/4/2014 finds any record whose date is less than April 4, 2014
Finds all the records that are less or equal to your entered search criteria
- ≤ Matt finds every person who comes before Matt alphabetically and includes all Matts as well
- <=95129 finds any record whose value is 95129 or less
- <=05:00:00 finds any record whose value in a time field is 5:00:00 or less
Finds all the records that are greater than your entered search criteria
- > 9 finds any record whose value is greater than 9
- > 7/30/2014 finds any record whose date is greater than 7/30/2014
Finds all the records that are greater or equal to your entered search criteria
- ≥ 9 finds any record whose value is greater than 9 including 9
- >= 4/13/2014 finds any record whose date is 4/13/2014 or greater
Finds all the records that are between two values
- 12:30...17:30 finds all records where the time value is between 12:30 and 17:30
- 1/1/2014...6/6/2014 finds all the records where the date value is between 1/1/2014 and 6/6/2014
- A...M finds all the records where the text value is between A and M
Finds all the records that match based on the date in memory
- // finds March 21, 2014 when current date is 3/21/2014
Finds all the records that have an invalid date or time entered into the selected field
- ? finds twelve but not 12 or twelve30
- ? finds Next Tuesday or 2/33/2014 in a date field
- ? finds midnight in a time field
- To find the ? character search for "?"
Used as a wildcard character that is part of your search criteria
Used as a wildcard digit that is part of your search criteria
- # finds 3 but not 30
- ## finds 30 but not 3 or 300
- #3 finds 53 and 43 but not 3
Used as a wildcard character to find all records based on search criteria plus wildcard
- Jo*n finds Jon and John
- J*r finds Jr. and Junior
- *phan* finds Phan and Stephanie
- S* finds Sophie, Steve, and Sven
- *"son & Phillips" finds Johnson & Phillips and Paulson & Phillips
- 5/12/* finds the 12th day of May in any year in a date field
- *:15 finds times 15 minutes after any hour in a time field
Used to search for characters that might otherwise be used as operators or other reserved items
- \"Joey\" finds "Joey"
- joey\ finds the email address
Used to search for more than one word beginning from the start of the field
- "Marten and Jones Interiors" finds Marten and Jones Interiors but not James and Marten Interiors"
- ", Ltd" finds all companies with ", Ltd" in the name, but not those without a comma
- "Spring" finds Springville" but not ColdSpring Harbor or HotSpring
- "@" finds @ (or an email address, for example)
- "," finds records containing a comma
- " " finds three spaces in a row
Used to search for data / characters that makes the same sound in Japanese